Jessie’s makeup (figure evades capture by dematerializing), 2022, acrylic on wig

Mimic (exhibit C, bedchamber), 2022, picture frame, glove, acrylic, rhinestones, Trap (exhibit D, cellar), 2022, decanter, glove, acrylic, rhinestones, Trap (exhibit B, dining hall), 2022, coupe, glove, acrylic, rhinestones, Trap, (exhibit A, powder room), 2022, compact, glove, acrylic, rhinestones

Perfume I, 2021, ink on paper and Perfume II, 2021, ink on paper, campari

Orb II, 2022, ink on paper, Amulet, 2021, ink on paper, Orb I, 2022, ink on paper

Jonathan Leib
Spirit Realm I, 2022, ink on paper, Look Back At It, 2021, ink on paper, Spirit Realm II, 2022, ink on paper

A string of pearls, 2022, pencil on paper

Klaus’ wig (figure evades capture by jumping into a portal at the bottom of her scrying pool), 2022, satin, wig, dust, acrylic on panel, four wine corks

Scarlet’s shoes (figure evades capture by transfiguring into a pair of candlesticks), 2022, shoes, gloves, acrylic, rhinestones, candles

Perfume II, 2022, ink on paper, campari

Christopher Gambino
Jonathan Leib
Floral installations by Ivy Mace Firtell
Photography by Julia Tinney